Quality fish replicas custom painted from your pictures by taxidermy artist Bill Dishman.

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Order Your Fish Mount Today


All we need to reproduce your catch is a color photograph. A length and girth measurement is helpful, but not required.

Taxidermy Fish Mount 

All fish replicas are priced at $28.00 per lineal inch, one side detailed.


Display options and examples:


A hanger on the fish. No Charge


On artificial driftwood. $40 and up


Flat wall base with artificial rock, water and driftwood $125.
These are custom made here in the shop


Artificial driftwood/rock wall displays $75 and up
Deluxe Rock/wall displays $150 and up



Due to the fluctuations in costs for supplies and shipping, prices are subject to change without notice.

Most of my fish come with custom, hand-painted eyes.


A 50% deposit is required on all orders.


Payment by cash or check only.

UPS and FEDEX have become increasingly careless and unreliable as carriers for finished fish replicas. Picking up your completed fish is recommended.

All of our former students who are looking for a wholesale fish provider are eligible for a reduced wholesale price.


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